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Spice Blends

Panch Phora to Zahtar

Panch Phora**

Ingredients: brown mustard seed, nigella,

cumin seed, fennel seed, fenugreek, aniseed

Pickling Spice**

Ingredients: coriander, cinnamon chips, black peppercorns, allspice berries, mustard seed, juniper seed, whole cloves, ginger pcs.


Ingredients:paprika, black pepper, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, allspice, mint, cardamom, nutmeg, rose petals, cloves


Ingredients: marjoram, caraway, seeds, juniper berries, sage, allspice, ginger, black pepper, nutmeg, cloves

Tahoe Pumpkin Pie**

Ingredients:cinnamon, coriander, seed, allspice, nutmeg, ginger, cloves

Order P Spice Blends Here!

Tahoe Blend**

Ingredients: lemon peel, garlic, mild curry powder, black pepper, orange peel, lavender buds, rose petals

Tahoe Taco

Ingredients: onion, cumin, chili powder, ancho chili powder, garlic, smoked sea salt, oregano, chipotle, chili powder, brown sugar, black pepper, cayenne pepper

Tahoe Salad Topping

Ingredients: sesame seed, poppy seed, chives, lemon thyme, onion, lemon peel, garlic, black peppercorns, celery seed

Tahoe BBQ Style

Ingredients: smoked paprika, garlic, black pepper, sea salt, cinnamon, onion, chipotle chili, dry yellow mustard, cayenne pepper

Tahoe Seasoning Salt 

Ingredients: sea salt, black pepper, coriander, garlic, leeks, rosemary, red pepper flakes


Ingredients: garlic, sea salt, paprika, turmeric, coriander, onion, ginger, cumin, black pepper, cardamom

Tikka Masala

Ingredients: smoked paprika, chili pepper powder, turmeric, onion, long pepper, bay leaf, garlic, red pepper flakes, ginger, cumin, fenugreek, cardamom, caraway, allspice

Poultry & Dressing**

Ingredients: sage, thyme, marjoram, rosemary, coriander, cumin seed, savory, allspice, celery seed

Thai-Style **

Ingredients:lemon grass, ginger, lemon verbena leaves, coriander seed, peppermint, garlic, lemon peel, black pepper, red pepper flakes, turmeric


Ingredients: pickling spice, savory, sea salt, black pepper, cumin, nutmeg, cinnamon

Order T Spice Blends Here!

Tahoe Salmon Seasoning

Ingredients: coriander, yellow mustard seed, onion, garlic, dill weed, roasted sesame seed, sea salt, dill seed

Lemony Seafood

Ingredients: lemon peel, ginger, sea salt, onion, garlic, thyme, orange peel, black pepper, dry yellow mustard, celery seed, allspice, citric acid

Tahoe Seafood Blend

Ingredients: chives, onion, garlic, tarragon, coriander, black pepper, sea salt, lemon peel, lemon juice

Sierra Chef (Registered Trade Mark Name)

This all purpose blend can be used in almost everything and every dish you can imagine! It's great in mashed potatoes, on grilled veggies, coated on meat & poultry and in eggs!

Ingredients: Heart Rock's herb salt blend & Italian blend along with black pepper, thyme, onion, garlic, oregano, lemon peel, orange peel (email us to order until we upload the info)


Ingredients: cumin, oregano, smoked paprika,

sage, sea salt, saffron, cayenne

Tahoe Smoky Meat Rub (formally called Smoky Mt. High)

Ingredients: onion, garlic, paprika, black pepper, sea salt, chili flakes, turmeric.


Ingredients: dill weed, marjoram, caraway seed, nutmeg

Seafood Boil

Ingredients: sea salt, paprika, bay leaves, coriander, allspice, yellow mustard seed, black pepper, celery seed, chili flakes, cloves, dill seed, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger

Tahoe Spiced Salt

Ingredients: sea salt, black pepper, coriander, roasted garlic & onion, bay leaves, cloves, cayenne pepper

Tahoe Smoked Salt & Pepper

Ingredients: smoked salt, smoked pepper

Order S Spice Blends Here!

Wild Game!

Ingredients: marjoram, rosemary, juniper berries, savory, onion, black pepper, garlic, thyme, sage lemon peel, sea salt, bay leaf, allspice


Ingredients: thyme, sumac, sesame seed, oregano, savory, fennel seed

Order W-Z Spice Blends Here!

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